Adoption Contract

Faith N Friends Horse Rescue and Sanctuary


P.O. Box 1526 Powell TN, 37849



Mailing Address if different from above:


Email Address:*

Emergency Contact (Different from above)*:

Date of Birth:*


Equine Name:*

Color and Description:*

Sex, Age, Breed:*

Medical Record Given (choose one):*  

Known vices disclosed by Faith N Friends:

Additional important information about the equine:

Faith N Friends Horse Rescue & Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 Tennessee nonprofit organization. In this agreement, Faith N Friends Horse Rescue & Sanctuary will be called “Faith N Friends”. The Adopter represents that the information provided in the application process is true and correct to the best of the Adopter’s information and belief. Faith N Friends and the Adopter wish to enter into this agreement to provide the adopted equine with a suitable forever home. This agreement will remain in effect from the date of your signature until one year after the last equine owned by Faith N friends is removed from your facility. Faith N Friends subscribes to the equine standards of care as set forth by the Global Federation of Sanctuaries (GFAS) and requires all foster and adoptive homes to accept those standards of care that are a part of this agreement. You agree to the following: (Check each box indicating your agreement)
Return Policy*

Any individual or organization in possession of the equine as of the date of the agreement and any time thereafter is bound to not sell the equine at auction for slaughter or allow the equine to be sold, transferred, released, or otherwise placed into possession of any person or organization that will cause or allow the equine to be sold at auction for slaughter.

Nonrefundable Adoption Fee *

Reversion of Title:*

  • The Adopter is not adequately caring for the equine or


  • There is a breach of this agreement or


  • Information on the adoption application was false or


  • The Adopter voluntarily surrendered possession of the adopted equine to Faith N Friends


Veterinary Records:*


Care of the Animal:*

  • Providing companionship by always having at least one other equine in the same field as the adopted equine.
  • Providing quality food, including but not limited to, minerals, vitamins, salt block, and fresh, unfrozen water.
  • Providing overhead shelter from snow, rain, wind, and sun. The shelter can be natural or man-made.
  • Providing care for any special needs the equine has or develops.
  • Providing proper medical and health care to the equine, including, but not limited to, the following:
  • Proper veterinary treatment for injuries and illness
  • Annual vaccinations
  • Following a regular deworming schedule
  • Proper hoof care
  • Annual dental care



Release and Indemnity:*

Change of Address:*

Procedure to Reclaim:*


  • Faith N Friends will notify the Adopter by certified mail, return receipt requested, of the reclamation and ask that the equine be returned. The notice shall state clearly the circumstances under which Faith N Friends is acting and state a date when the Adopter may meet with agents of Faith N Friends to discuss the situation.
  • After seven days from the posting of this notice, if the Adopter has not notified Faith N Friends, or has not accepted the notice, legal action will be taken by Faith N Friends to retrieve the equine.
  • If the animal is in a situation that may endanger its life, Faith N Friends may call equine control in the Adopter’s locality to recover the equine on behalf of Faith N Friends.
  • In the event that either of these situations occurs, or if for any reason the equine is returned to Faith N Friends, the Adopter may request a meeting to discuss the matter within 10 days after the equine is reclaimed.
  • Any decision of Faith N Friends is final as to whether the equine shall be returned to the Adopter.
  • No refund of the equine’s adoption fee will be given. Additionally, if the equine is returned to the Adopter no additional adoption fee will be charged however a hauling fee may be charged.

Minimum Standards of Care
The following guidelines are applicable to general equine management practices as set by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS) and are required of all persons fostering or adopting an equine from Faith N Friends. While not comprehensive, they offer basic parameters for responsible equine ownership. The number of equines should never exceed the ability of the foster to feed and care for them properly. Such limits are dependent not only upon the physical health of the individual but also on the financial ability to maintain proper management. In addition, any individual keeping equines must comply with all relevant state and local laws.

You agree to the following: (please check each topic stating your agreement)

General Management Practices *

Facility Requirements *

  • Pasture:   A minimum of a half-acre pasture per equine on the property is required. Exceptions may be made in those cases where the equine will be maintained at a boarding facility provided the equine, if stalled, is provided daily turnout of an adequate time and space.
  • Shelter:  A 12x12 foot stall per standard size equine in a barn with turnout or pasture is recommended; or a three sided run in shelter with a recommended 12x12 feet per equine in pasture, however, the minimum acceptable space is 10.5x10.5 foot stall or run in area per standard size equine. Equines shall be provided with shelter that gives protection from extreme weather including but not limited to: prevailing wind, snow, sleet, rain, sun, and extreme temperatures. Stalls and shelters shall be constructed to provide sufficient space for each equine to turn around, lie down, freely move, and to allow free air flow. Shelters may be constructed to have removable sides during the summer. All enclosures, stalls, and/or shelters shall be kept in good repair and free of standing water, accumulated waste, sharp objects, and debris. If the barn or shelter is metal, the exposed metal on the inside of the stall and/or shelter shall be covered with ¾”-1” plywood or 2”x6” boards. There should be no exposed nails or other objects that could potentially cause injury to the equine.
  • Water: The adopter shall provide troughs or individual water sources to offer adequate and clean water for all equines. All water receptacles shall be kept clean and free of hazardous contaminants and be positioned or affixed to minimize spillage. Use of defroster to prevent freezing in inclement weather is recommended. Equines that are being trained, worked, ridden, or transported shall be provided water as often as necessary for their health and comfort. Frequency of watering shall take into consideration the age, condition, and size of the equine, activity level, and climatic conditions.
  • Feed: Equines shall receive at a minimum the equivalent of 3% of their body weight per day in high quality forage and/or grain. If natural forage is insufficient in quality or quantity, quality hay representative of choice grasses in the local area shall supplement the diet. Diet shall be planned with consideration for the age, condition, size, and activity level of the equine. If more than one animal is fed at the same place and time, it shall be the responsibility of the foster to ensure that each equine receives nutrition in sufficient quantity. If necessary, equines shall be separated to ensure each has access to adequate nutrition without interference from more dominate equine. All storage and feeding receptacles shall be kept clean and free of contaminants such as feces, mold, mildew, rodents, and insects. Stored feed shall be kept in such a manner that equines cannot gain access to it.
  • Fencing: Fencing shall be of solid construction, without sharp edges, and visible to equines; electric fencing is acceptable. The use of barbed wire fencing is unacceptable in any area of five or less acres or along any area separating equines from one another. Use of electric wire may preclude the barbed wire provision. All t-posts shall be appropriately capped when used as cross fencing to separate pastures, along any fence line adjacent to another equine property, and/or property that is less than five acres. Fencing shall be monitored on a regular basis to ensure its safety and effectiveness is maintained.

Vaccinations, Dental Care, Hoof Care, Worming, and Coggins

  • Yearly vaccinations are required. Eastern/Western Encephalitis, Rhino, Tetanus, Rabies, West Nile, and any other inoculations your veterinarian recommends for endemic diseases are mandatory.
  • Teeth must be kept in good condition and should be checked by a licensed veterinarian annually.
  • All equine must be kept on a regular deworming program as approved by a licensed veterinarian
  • Proper hoof care is required to be done as often as necessary to maintain sound hooves.

Maintaining Health:*

Gelding: *

Other: *

Adoption Fee (to be paid) - Receipt in Full required for completion of Contract *

(Certain fees and expenses may be tax-deductible by the adopter. The adopter should consult his/her independent tax advisor to determine deductibility.) March 12, 2025

If you are unable to transport the horse(s), there is a fee of $2.00 per mile to offset the cost of transportation.

SEVERABILITY:: In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction finds any term or clause in this Agreement to be invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, the same will not have an impact on other terms or clauses in the Agreement or the entire Agreement. However, such a term or clause may be revised to the extent required according to the opinion of the court to render the Agreement enforceable or valid, and the rights and responsibilities of the parties shall be interpreted and enforced accordingly, so as to preserve their agreement and intent to the fullest possible extent. Nondiscrimination: Faith N Friends does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients. Faith N Friends is an equal opportunity employer. We will not discriminate and will take affirmative action measures to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

**Adopters must be legal adults. The age requirement to sign a contract is 18 years of age, and applications/contracts signed by minors will be deemed invalid contracts. A child under the age of 18 is considered a minor and is unable to sign a contract.

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Document name: Adoption Contract
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Timestamp Audit
November 6, 2019 12:29 pm EDTAdoption Contract Uploaded by Faith Sadiku - IP
November 9, 2019 4:47 pm EDTMary Faith Sadiku - added by Faith Sadiku - as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
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