Faith N Friends offers several volunteer opportunities to allow people of all ages, abilities, and experience levels to help prevent equine abuse and neglect.
Do you want to bring your coworkers, riding club, scout troop, or community group to volunteer? FNF welcomes groups by appointment. Please email for more info.
Please fill out both the volunteer formAND the liability waiver. All first-time volunteers must fill this out prior to volunteering at FNF. Returning volunteers simply have to resubmit the liability waiver annually. These are electronic signature forms and can easily be filled out on your phone or computer. If you are under 18 your parent must complete and sign the form. Be sure to check all boxes and enter data where required or it won’t let you sign the form. If a particular field is not applicable enter n/a. All fields must have something entered. Prospective volunteers must attend Volunteer Orientation. Volunteer Orientation is held the second Saturday of each month (February – November) from 10:30-12:30 at the farm. Please monitor our Facebook page for announcements or message us for more info.
***NOTE: Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Volunteers under the age of 13 must have a parent or guardian with them while on the property or at events. Please include other family members, 17 and under, on the liability waiver if there is a possibility they will be participating or just accompanying you. Each adult 18 and older, must complete their own waiver, but you can include all family members that might be participating on one volunteer application.
Team A: Construction Team
Anything related to building on property
-Building rails in loft
-Organizing Rooms for use for FNF programs
-Install multiple level shelving at wash rack washing supplies
-Assemble Gazebo once the arena is built beside the barn
Team B: Summer Day Camps (There is an additional orientation required for this team)
-Help plan, organize, setup, and participate in 3-4, 3-day summer camps, 2 for children with special needs and 2-3 for children
-You can choose any one of the 3 day camps or choose to participate in all
Team C: Team C -Tack Team Responsibilities:
As new donations come in, the donation team will be notified via messenger that tack is ready to pick up. This tack may be taken home, cleaned, and returned. There is a time log sheet in the barn that is replaced monthly. Please log your hours and note description of what has been cleaned. Example: donation-blankets
Barn tack: This tack is scheduled to be cleaned monthly. Hours must be logged along with what was cleaned. If you are on the saddle blanket team, you will be asked to send photos of the blankets you cleaned since there are multiple people on this team to avoid duplicate cleaning.
This may be done at your leisure but must be done monthly.
Team D: Event Planning Team
-Meeting once week via phone, zoom or in person
-Help organize all events for FNF, planning, tracking progress, advising of social media needs, press releases, etc.
Team E: Reading with Rescues Team (There is an additional orientation required for this team)
-Feeding happens twice daily 365 days a year
-Responsible for feeding with other FNF team members or as a family unit
-All Feeders are trained by a team
-You can commit to any of the am or pm feed teams one or more days a week
Team G: SPROUT TEAM (March-Nov)
-Help with curriculum
-Need adults to attend overnight retreats at farm or offsite
-Mentor Teens ages 10-21
-Help chauffer teens to horse shows
-Haul horses if you have experience for offsite events
age interested in showing horses at local horse shows
Team H: Horse Fest-Halloween Themed Community Event
Team I: Hay AND Bush Hogging Team (Spring & Summer only)
-Once a month, bush hog your assigned pasture at the FNF property
– Put out hay regularly for horses
Team J: Trailering Team
-Assist with trailering horses to horse shows, events, parades, off site activities
-Can train for this team!
Team K: Orientation-Helpers-Presenters (Once a month)
Team L: Grant Writing
-Research – can be one person who strictly researches grants that FNF may qualify for
-Writer – work with Faith to write grants, must have good writing, spelling, and punctuation skills, ability to create presentations with pictures and written text using Word, PowerPoint, etc., familiar with creating a budget, track grants applied for, received, and denied w/ dates
Team M: Website
Prefer experience with editing websites, must have good grammar, spelling, and punctuation skills
Thank you for supporting Faith N Friends!
PayPal Giving Fund
Network For Good
Silent Donor
Support Us Anonymously! Silent Donor is the largest anonymous donation platform in the world, allowing all donors to send fully anonymous, tax-deductible donations to the causes they want to support. Click the link below to access their private platform – simply write in Faith N Friends as the organization to receive your anonymous donation on their form. Choose to donate via card, bank transfer, stock, or cryptocurrency. Keep the impact of your gift, and also keep your privacy. Send your anonymous donation to support our mission today! Donate Now – Silent Donor
Faith N Friends offers several volunteer opportunities to allow people of all ages, abilities, and experience levels to help prevent equine abuse and neglect.
Do you want to bring your coworkers, riding club, scout troop, or community group to volunteer? FNF welcomes groups by appointment. Please email for more info.
Please fill out both the volunteer form AND the liability waiver. All first-time volunteers must fill this out prior to volunteering at FNF. Returning volunteers simply have to resubmit the liability waiver annually. These are electronic signature forms and can easily be filled out on your phone or computer. If you are under 18 your parent must complete and sign the form. Be sure to check all boxes and enter data where required or it won’t let you sign the form. If a particular field is not applicable enter n/a. All fields must have something entered. Prospective volunteers must attend Volunteer Orientation. Volunteer Orientation is held the second Saturday of each month (February – November) from 10:30-12:30 at the farm. Please monitor our Facebook page for announcements or message us for more info.
***NOTE: Volunteers of all ages are welcome. Volunteers under the age of 13 must have a parent or guardian with them while on the property or at events. Please include other family members, 17 and under, on the liability waiver if there is a possibility they will be participating or just accompanying you. Each adult 18 and older, must complete their own waiver, but you can include all family members that might be participating on one volunteer application.
-Organizing Rooms for use for FNF programs
-Responsible for feeding with other FNF team members or as a family unit
-All Feeders are trained by a team
– Put out hay regularly for horses
-Writer – work with Faith to write grants, must have good writing, spelling, and punctuation skills, ability to create presentations with pictures and written text using Word, PowerPoint, etc., familiar with creating a budget, track grants applied for, received, and denied w/ dates
Thank you for supporting Faith N Friends!
PayPal Giving Fund
Network For Good
Silent Donor
Support Us Anonymously! Silent Donor is the largest anonymous donation platform in the world, allowing all donors to send fully anonymous, tax-deductible donations to the causes they want to support. Click the link below to access their private platform – simply write in Faith N Friends as the organization to receive your anonymous donation on their form. Choose to donate via card, bank transfer, stock, or cryptocurrency. Keep the impact of your gift, and also keep your privacy. Send your anonymous donation to support our mission today! Donate Now – Silent Donor
Doris Day Animal Foundation
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